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Become a Happy Camper



我們從2010年開始展開快樂野營計劃,目標是與大眾一起分享行山和露營的樂趣,同時宣揚不留痕(Leave no trace)的概念。


- 戶外遊樂資訊

- 最新戶外裝備

- 行山安全

- 義工活動

- 天氣資訊

- 野營廚房


Happy Camper Project started from 2010, aim to share hiking and camping information with everyone, also promote the concepts of Leave No Trace.

We provide a lot of information regarding fun outdoor, latest outdoor gears, hiking safety, volunteer works, weather information, cooking class etc.

Welcome to visit our Facebook page and YouTube Channal for more details!


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