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遠足是一項有益身心的活動,但每年都有發生遠足人士失蹤事件,遠足安全絕對不能忽視。為了協助搜救隊伍搜尋遠足失蹤者,香港通訊業聯會(CAHK)特別義務推出「50222遠足短訊留蹤」服務。遠足人士只要將郊野公園遠足徑上標距柱的編號,以短訊發送至50222,資料便會被保密儲存三天。期間如遠足人士不幸發生意外,搜救隊伍便可參考他事前留下的標距柱編號 (如: M001),協助搜尋失蹤者,增加搜救機會和速度。


Hiking is a wonderful activity, but safety is essential. The Communications Association of Hong Kong (CAHK) has launched its new "50222 SMS Hiker Tracking Service" to help search and rescue of lost hikers. It helps to keep track of hikers' locations when they periodically "report in" via SMS, whenever they encounter Distance Posts (DP) along their trails. If no incident occurs within 3 days, the data will be erased, but in the event of a lost hiker, rescue parties can use the data to improve rescue time and success rate.

Outdoor Tips



LNT(Leave No Trace)


Designed by Kristen Whaley

Designed by Kristen Whaley

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